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Rohit Pansare


Patang restaurant, a revolving restaurant along the Sabarmati river, Ahmedabad

The Patang Restaurant, Ahmedabad is one of the iconic new age buildings in the city. This revolving restaurant at about 221 feet was until recently the tallest building in Gujarat(1980-2011) before completion of the GIFT-One building. Made this image during a late afternoon ride through the city.

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Rohit Pansare

Project 365: Day 32, Chitrakatha at NID

A traditional shadow puppet show on display at Chitrakatha’13

The National Institute of Design(NID), Ahmedabad is hosting the international animation festival from 23-27 October “Chitrakatha’13”. One of the section is dedicated to puppeteers and traditional animation art forms in India. Wish I could have attended atleast one of the several workshops on animation. Hopefully will in Chitrakatha’15!

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