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Rohit Pansare

Low-key macro of a Lynx Spider

Starting off with a nice photowalk with the Ahmedabad Photowalkers. The venue, a recently inaugurated garden on the Sabarmati River front. The garden is huge with a variety of flowering plants attracting a lot of insects and some birds. A nice place close to home for macros!

After spotting a Damselfly right in the start of the walk, I had switched to my 100 mm macro and kept at it. Was experimenting with high key and low-key techniques when I made this image of a Lynx spider. After cycling back I spent the rest of the day catching up with some much-needed sleep and  reading Dan Brown‘s Inferno. All in all a day well spent!

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Rohit Pansare

Project 365: Day 27, Mantastic Mantis!!

A Praying Mantis Nymph

Gotta love these little guys! Captured this critter today morning in Thol(my second visit of the week). It can easily fit on the tip of a pencil.

Mantis are ferocious hunters and natural pest control agents. They have claw-like forelimbs which strike out to grab prey at lightening speed.The Mantid immediately starts devouring the prey, alive, head first as the victim continues to struggle helplessly in its grip! Their only defense is camouflage. Even for hunting, a mantis uses stealth, waiting for its “meal” to approach.

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Rohit Pansare


Portraits in nature…

Several times I have been criticized for paying more attention to animals, bugs and birds, so just to shake things up a bit I decided a little bit of portraiture wouldn’t hurt my portfolio. 

Conditions were hardly ideal after we missed the golden hour and the sun was beating down on us hard. So we had to look for a nice shaded area with just the right amount of light. The little bit of over exposure adds to the overall effect. Though this was shot with one of the best lens for portraiture, 50mm, I didn’t get the desired Out-Of-focus(OOF) effect so post processed the image a little.

Related articles: Some other portraits I have made..

  1. Project 365:Day 20, A Portrait of my Grandfather (

PS: Part of the credit goes to my friend Sanskruti for coming up with this frame!

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